Parts & Equipment Sourcing

We have everything you need when it comes to IT.

Let us be your technology partner.

Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or more of a done-for-you type of person, we are here to help you when you need it.

With thousands of dollars of inventory, we are stocked with the essentials. We have over 100 quality vendors, manufacturers, and distributors who allow us to get any part, any device, or any accessory quickly and efficiently if we do not have it in our stock room.

Part/equipment sourcing can sometimes be difficult because you wonder if it’s a good idea to use the cheapest item you can find, or the most expensive high-quality parts. Should you use OEM parts, aftermarket parts, or high-performance parts? Triple E Technology takes the guess work out of the equation. It takes experience to know when to get OEM parts, or when to get good quality aftermarket parts. Triple E Technology strives to provide personalized options to meet your specific needs & budget. Unlike other companies, we never force our customers into “one-size-fits-all” solutions. We go the extra mile to find the best solution for your particular situation.

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Open 7 days a week

7am - 8pm

By Appointment Only

Find Us

Triple E Technology

432 Kistler Road

Elliottsburg, PA 17024

Sorry for the Inconvenience...

Due to current demand, we are not currently accepting new customers. We have an ongoing waiting list for new customers who are comfortable with waiting until availability is present. The waiting time could be 1-3 years, with a possibility of something longer. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please contact us.